April 20, 2024
Enacted SFY 2024-25 Budget Includes More than $30 Million to Help Individuals Involved in the Criminal Justice System Get Critical Mental Health Services
Speaker Carl Heastie and Mental Health Committee Chair Aileen M. Gunther today announced that the State Fiscal Year (SFY) 2024-25 Enacted Budget funds critical programs that help individuals involved in the criminal justice system and diagnosed with a mental illness to get the care and services they need.
“Too often, people living with a mental health condition get caught up in our criminal justice system and end up in jail,” Speaker Heastie said. “The Assembly Majority has worked hard to ensure that our criminal justice system treats everyone with respect. By funding programs that help connect these individuals with mental health care services, we can get them the care they need and potentially divert them from the prison system.”
“It is so important that we ensure access to mental health services to those in our criminal justice system that are living with a mental health issue,” Assemblymember Gunther said. “This funding will make mental health services more accessible and get New Yorkers the help and care they need.”
The enacted budget includes $31.1 million in funding for programs that help individuals with mental illness that are involved in the criminal justice system access critical mental health services. These programs include:
- $14.6 million for Intensive Forensic Assertive Community Treatment (FACT) Teams;
- $8.2 million for Court-Based Mental Health Navigators;
- $4.3 million for Transitional Housing for Individuals Referred Through Court System;
- $2.8 million for Specialized Housing for People with SMI and Criminal History;
- $1 million for Law Enforcement and Mental Health Coordination Team; and
- $187,000 for Crisis Intervention Team (CIT) Training for Law Enforcement.