For more information contact:
Eva Ivery
Richard Jurewicz
LOB 945-A
Albany, NY 12248
or call the
Grants Action News hotline at
Grants to Provide Transportation Service to Elderly Persons and Persons with Disabilities
New York State Department of Transportation (DOT)
DOT will initiate the annual cycle for the Federal Section 5310 Grant Program, which provides transportation
grants to provide service to elderly persons and persons with disabilities. This is a capital-only assistance
program for the purchase of vehicles to transport the elderly and individuals with disabilities.
ELIGIBILITY: Private non-profit corporations, public bodies in rural counties
who are approved by DOT as the coordinator of transportation services to elderly persons and persons with
disabilities, and public bodies in rural counties who can certify that no non-profit corporations or associations
are available in their area to provide these services.
FUNDING: In Fiscal Year 2002, New York State received approximately $5.8
million from the federal government for this program.
DEADLINE: Requests for application forms and instructions must be made to
DOT prior to the end of February 2005. The applications are due April 15, 2005.
FOR MORE INFORMATION: To request an application form and instructions,
please contact the New York State Department of Transportation, Passenger Transportation Division, 50 Wolf
Road, POD 54, Albany, New York 12232; phone (518) 457-8335. You may also contact Barry Kessler at
. . .On the Federal Level
Economic Development Assistance Programs
Economic Development Administration
The Economic Development Administration (EDA) is soliciting proposals for the following programs:
Grants for Public Works and Economic Development Facilities; Economic Development - Support for
Planning Organizations; Economic Development - Technical Assistance; Economic Adjustment Assistance;
and Economic Development - Trade Adjustment Assistance. EDA's mission is to promote innovation and
competitiveness, preparing American regions for growth and success in the worldwide economy. EDA invests
in the following: public works, infrastructure and development facilities; the crafting and implementation of
comprehensive economic development strategies; local, national and university center-based technical assistance
programs; and revolving loan funds.
ELIGIBILITY: Eligible applicants for and eligible recipients of EDA financial
assistance include Economic Development Districts; Indian tribes or consortia of Indian tribes; states; cities
or other political subdivisions; institutions of higher education or consortia of institutions of higher education;
public or private nonprofit organizations or associations acting in cooperation with officials of a political
subdivision of a state.
FUNDING: Funds in the amount of $253,984,652 have been appropriated for
Fiscal Year 2005 and shall remain available until expended. Generally, the amount of the EDA grant may not
exceed 50 percent of the cost of the project.
DEADLINE: Proposals are accepted on a continuing basis and applications
are invited and processed as received.
FOR MORE INFORMATION: For a copy of the FFO announcement for this request
for proposals, please visit www.eda.gov. For additional information or for a paper copy of the FFO
announcement, contact the regional office for New York at Economic Development Administration, Philadelphia
Regional Office, Curtis Center, 601 Walnut Street, Suite 140 South, Philadelphia, PA 19106; telephone
(215) 597-4603; fax, (215) 597-1063.
Early Reading First Program
Office of Elementary and Secondary Education, Department of Education
The Early Reading First Program supports local efforts to enhance the oral language, cognitive, and early
reading skills of preschool-age children, especially those from low-income families, through strategies,
materials, and professional development that are grounded in scientifically-based reading research.
ELIGIBILITY: a) One or more local educational agencies (LEAs) that are
eligible to receive a subgrant under the Reading First program; b) one or more public or private organizations
or agencies, (including faith-based organizations) located in a community served by an eligible LEA; or c) one
or more eligible LEAs, applying in collaboration with one or more eligible organizations or agencies.
To qualify under b), the organization's or agency's application must be on behalf of one or more programs
that serve preschool-age children (such as a Head Start program, a child care program, or a family literacy
program such as Even Start, or a lab school at a university), unless the organization or agency itself operates
a preschool program.
FUNDING: $104,160,000 in total funding is estimated to be available, with awards
ranging from $750,000 to $4,500,000. It is estimated that the number of awards will be 23 to 139.
DEADLINE: The deadline for transmittal of pre-applications is February 7, 2005
and the deadline for transmittal of full applications is May 2, 2005 (for applicants invited to submit full applications
FOR MORE INFORMATION: Contact Rebecca Haynes, U.S. Department of
Education, 400 Maryland Avenue, SW, Room 3W234, Washington, DC 20202-6132; telephone (202) 260-0968;
e-mail Rebecca.Haynes@ed.gov.
National Technical Assistance
Economic Development Administration
The Economic Development Administration (EDA) is soliciting proposals for the National Technical Assistance
Program. This notice also announces general policies and application procedures for grant-based technical
assistance investments that aim to increase prosperity by advancing comprehensive, entrepreneurial, and
innovation-based economic development efforts.
ELIGIBILITY: Eligible applicants for and eligible recipients of EDA financial
assistance include Economic Development Districts; Indian tribes or consortia of Indian tribes; states; cities
or other political subdivisions; institutions of higher education or consortia of institutions of higher education;
public or private nonprofit organizations or associations acting in cooperation with officials of a political
subdivision of a state.
FUNDING: Funds in the amount of $1,122,000 are available for this program.
These funds are available until expended.
DEADLINE: May 31, 2005.
FOR MORE INFORMATION: The text of the full FFO announcement is available at
www.grants.gov. EDA's web site also contains additional information on this program at www.eda.gov.
For additional information or for a paper copy of the FFO announcement, contact the regional office serving New York
State - Economic Development Administration, Philadelphia Regional Office, Curtis Center, 601 Walnut Street, Suite
140 South, Philadelphia, PA 19106; telephone (215) 597-4603; fax, (215) 597-1063.
. . . Foundations and Organizations
Wilderness Stewardship Challenge Grant
National Forest Foundation
The National Forest Foundation (NFF) engages Americans in community-based and national programs
that promote the health and public enjoyment of the National Forest System. The NFF funds action-oriented
projects that enhance the viability of natural resources while considering the benefits to, and the involvement of,
surrounding communities. Projects will address NFF's four programmatic priorities - community-based forest
stewardship, watershed health and restoration, wildlife habitat improvement, and recreation.
ELIGIBILITY: Community-based nonprofit 501(c)(3) organizations, Resource
Conservation and Development Districts, Native American tribes and educational institutions, especially those
with a focus on wilderness areas, are eligible to apply. State and county governments are also eligible, provided
that their matching funds are not federally sourced.
FUNDING: Matching grants of up to $50,000.
DEADLINE: March 4, 2005.
FOR MORE INFORMATION: Contact Mary Mitsos, Vice President, Community
Conservation, NFF, at (406) 542-2805, ext. 15 or at mmitsos@nationalforests.org; or Alexandra Kenny,
Director, Grants Programs, NFF, at (202) 298-6740, ext. 3, or at akenny@nationalforests.org.
Partnership for a Nation of Learners Community Collaboration Grants
Institute for Museum and Library Services
The Institute, in conjunction with the Corporation for Public Broadcasting, has released guidelines for the
Partnership for a Nation of Learners Community Collaboration Grants, which are designed to support new
and existing lifelong learning collaborations between museums, libraries, and public broadcasters. These
grants are intended to strengthen the ability of museums, libraries, and public broadcasting licensees to work
together to help audiences gain knowledge, skills, attitudes, behaviors, and resources that enhance their
engagement in community, work, family, and society. The program funds ongoing or new collaborative
activities and projects among museums, libraries, and public broadcasting licensees that are designed to
address community civic and educational needs, increase the organizations' capacity to serve as effective
venues and resources for learning, or enhance infrastructure and technology in order to serve audiences
more effectively.
ELIGIBILITY: Applicants must be either a unit of state or local government or a
private nonprofit organization that has tax-exempt status under the IRS Code.
FUNDING: Grants will range from $25,000 and $250,000.
DEADLINE: March 1, 2005.
FOR MORE INFORMATION: Visit www.partnershipforlearners.org for
complete application information.
. . . Grant Writing
Grantseeking on the Web and Foundation Fundraising
The Foundation Center
The Foundation Center has scheduled two upcoming classes, Grantseeking on the Web and Foundation
Fundraising: An Introductory Course.
Foundation Fundraising will provide an introduction to the world of foundations and instruction in identifying
prospective funders. Attendees will learn what steps need to be taken before approaching funders,
what different types of funders are available, and how to conduct research in order to find the most
receptive donors. The class is scheduled for February 24, 2005 and costs $125.
Attendees of Grantseeking on the Web will learn how to develop an organized, focused approach to
conducting funding research on the Web. The class will be held February 25, 2005 and costs $195.
Both classes will be held at the Foundation Center's New York City office, located at 79 Fifth Avenue.
For more information, visit www.fdncenter.org, or call (800) 424-9836.