Press Releases

DiPietro: Investigate and Remove Gov. Cuomo Before Another Tragedy Occurs

 “We found out last night that the top aide to Gov. Cuomo admitted to Majority leaders that the state administration deliberately hid COVID-19 data from nursing homes to avoid federal investigation. More and more evidence comes out with each passing...

DiPietro Encourages Majority Legislators to Sign Petition to Subpoena Dr. Zucker

Today, Assemblyman Dave DiPietro (R,C,I- East Aurora) joined Minority members of the Assembly Oversight, Analysis and Investigation Committee, Joseph Angelino (R,C,I-Norwich) and Michael Montesano (R,C,I,LBT- Glen Head), to urge their Majority counterparts...

It’s Time to Remove Gov. Cuomo’s Executive Power: Something We Can All Get Behind

Recent weeks have shown us the dangers of unfettered executive power. The report issued by New York Attorney General Letitia James last week clearly exhibits a misinformation campaign and abuse of power for political gain. People from all walks of life...

DiPietro: Gov. Cuomo Lied and Thousands Died

“Yesterday we finally get a glimpse of the real data regarding the outbreak of COVID-19 in nursing homes and care facilities following Gov. Cuomo’s insane policy that caused it. It is clear in this report that the governor and his administration not...

DiPietro: Executive Budget Shows Hypocrisy and Lack of Responsibility

“Gov. Cuomo presented his executive plan for the state’s budget yesterday and, unsurprisingly, it was a massive waste of everyone’s time. For those who missed it, he got up in front of the cameras like he does and repeated all the nonsensical proposals...

Give Local Businesses A Fighting Chance

“We’ve sacrificed and done what was asked of us by King Cuomo during COVID-19. We’ve dealt with masks, moving phase requirements, lack of direction, loss of contact with friends, family, and loved ones. You can go to Walmart and Wegman’s...

DiPietro Free Hand Sanitizer Giveaway

Assemblyman David DiPietro (R,C,I-East Aurora) will be hosting a free hand sanitizer giveaway at his district office. DiPietro encourages anyone who has a need for sanitizer to come visit his office while meeting all safety procedures to pick up what...

DiPietro working to keep our kids healthy

Pictured Assemblyman Dave DiPietro (R,C,I-East Aurora), Tracey Karp-Thiel, and Jeff Souder on Tuesday, June 30, 2020.
Assemblyman Dave DiPietro (R,C,I-East Aurora) has been traveling around the 147th AD to deliver hand sanitizer to youth summer groups such as the Elma, Marilla, and Wales Boys and Girls Club. DiPietro has joined with Jeff Souder, board member, and Tracey...

Reasonably Reopen NY

Assemblyman David DiPietro (R,C,I-East Aurora) is standing alongside his peers in the Assembly Minority Conference to call for a responsible analysis to reopen parts of the state that aren’t as heavily affected by COVID-19. DiPietro is worried that...

DiPietro Calls to Jump Start NY

Assemblyman David DiPietro (R,C,I-East Aurora) as the Minority ranking member and chairman of the Small Business Committee has spearheaded an initiative with his colleagues in the Assembly Minority Conference to combat the effects of the COVID-19 pandemic...

Outrage: State Majority Giving Free Communication to Prison Inmates during Crisis

Assemblyman David DiPietro (R,C,I-East Aurora) is sounding the alarm on another program pushed by state Majority to provide free phone calls, emails, and postage to prison inmates during the COVID-19 pandemic. DiPietro is furious that while millions of...

A Dangerous Budget: Politics as Usual During Extraordinary Times

I wish I could say I was surprised the Majority would propose a budget this bad during a year like this, but they’ve disgusted me once again with their incompetence and radicalism. In the middle of a global pandemic, the governor and his allies have...

Pandemic in the Streets but Derision in Albany

“I am thoroughly disgusted by the sheer amount of parlor tricks and games that got played in the budget while we’re fighting the COVID-19 outbreak. Instead of passing small-business relief, financing the state’s bills, and focusing solely...

DiPietro outraged at Lack of Home-Rule in Budget

“It should come as no surprise that Andrew Cuomo is using a rigged budget process to boost his own power and silence the voices of Western New Yorkers. Tucked away in the State Budget is a measure that completely removes local representation on power...

Save New York: Don’t Burden It

“New York is the epicenter of the largest pandemic in living memory and the Majority politicians are talking about legalizing marijuana?? Having a discussion over the legality of surrogacy? Frankly, this is terrifying. We should be balancing the...

Legislative Report Card: Majority Receive an F in Common Sense

“My friends, it’s that time of year again, when the budget negotiations are happening behind closed doors. We have a budget of around $178 billion this year, and I think this is a wonderful time to give a report card of what your tax dollars...

DiPietro Demands Action on Bail Reform

“It’s disgusting. How can they sit there on their pulpits and dodge perfectly valid critiques of the bail reform scandal while people are being hurt, some killed? We should have spent all that time debating to repeal it, but instead the Majority...

Bail Reform Still a Public Safety Crisis

“It’s still ongoing, families are being devastated, lives are being lost and property is being destroyed. All thanks to the Majority politicians refusal to accept that they ruined the bail system and put the entirety of New York’s justice...

Stand For New York Cuomo, Not Illegals

Assemblyman David DiPietro (R,C,I-East Aurora) is once again voicing his opposition to the Green Light Bill from last session which granted illegal aliens the ability to obtain New York drivers’ licenses. The federal government has come into conflict...

DiPietro: Supporting Youth Organizations

Assemblyman David DiPietro (R,C,I-East Aurora) pictured with Alyssa Wright, Megan Fialkowski, Bianca Foeller, Alexis Wright and Jamie Hudson of the Wyoming County Youth Bureau in his LOB office on Tuesday, February 4.
Assemblyman David DiPietro (R,C,I-East Aurora) recently met with the Wyoming County Youth Bureau to discuss their mission to mentor to other kids who need a helping hand. The Wyoming County Youth Bureau sponsors programs to help at-risk children and teens...