Assemblyman Santabarbara: NY’s Autism ID Card Program Receives Statewide, National Attention

Assemblyman Angelo Santabarbara, Chair of the State Assembly’s sub-Committee on Autism Spectrum Disorders, announced on-going success of the NY State Autism ID Card Program, a bill he authored and was signed into law (Ch. 209 of 2018). The program was officially launched in the early part of 2019 with nearly 12,000 cards issued to date, receiving both statewide and national attention. The unique card is the first standardized identification card of its kind in New York State, replacing locally issued identifications and homemade notes.

Santabarbara’s initiative was featured in both national and statewide publications including NBC New York, Newsday, Autism Spectrum News Magazine and recently highlighted by the Hamaspik Gazette as an important tool to prevent escalations between individuals with disabilities and law enforcement during confrontations. The program helps ensure that law enforcement is able to communicate with people with disabilities in an emergency without putting them at risk. The New York State Hamaspik Association (NYSHA) is a nonprofit association of human services providers located in 25 counties.[1] NYSHA members center their services on the ideal of helping people and families with compassionate and personalized care.[2]

“As the father of a teenage son with autism, I have seen how challenges make communication very difficult for him – if not nearly impossible – especially in stressful or dangerous situations,” Santabarbara said, whose 19-year-old son, Michael, was diagnosed with autism at age 3. “This program provides another communication tool for those who need it and is helping people achieve greater independence,” said Santabarbara. “The card can help with both routine and emergency interactions by easily and efficiently communicating a person’s diagnosis and other critical information – I’m so inspired by the attention and recognition that this initiative has received.”

Under Santabarbara’s legislation New Yorkers diagnosed with an Autism Spectrum Disorder or related disability have the option of obtaining an identification card from New York State Office for People with Developmental Disabilities at no cost. The card is designed to convey important information about a person’s diagnosis, such as trouble following directions, aversion to physical contact or shared space and an option to include and emergency contact to assist in interactions with law enforcement and other first responders.

As we approach the new year, Santabarbara is encouraging individuals and families affected by developmental disabilities to learn more and consider take advantage of the program. ID cards can be requested online from the OPWDD website or contact Assemblyman Angelo Santabarbara’s office at 518-382-2941 or email


