Assemblyman Charles D. Fall Stands his Ground and Co-Sponsors Legislation on Governance for Residents in Battery Park City
In a series of tweets last week, Assemblyman Charles D. Fall (D-Richmond) pinpointed the necessity of protecting affordability and ensuring fairness for residents.Residents should get a ground rent freeze through 2069, a better deal than Battery Park City Authority (BPCA) gave commercial corporate tenants.
Additionally, the Assemblyman co-sponsored key legislation that addresses these long-standing issues related to ground rent and ground leases, and more importantly, provides majority representation by local Battery Park City residents on the BPCA Board.
“I request Governor Hochul to appoint a local resident within 30 days to fill the vacant Board seat and fill the five holdover seats in the next 60 days.These appointments will help ensure that input from the Battery Park City community is meaningfully incorporated into the Authority’s governance procedures and decisions.
I stand committed to the residents of Battery Park City in advocating for transformation at the BPCA on a variety of areas surrounding governance, resiliency, ground rent and community input.
I’ve called on the Governor and the Authority to pause on all major decisions until a new board is put in place with majority local representation. I will continue to work with the Governor’s office, my colleagues in the Legislature, and advocates for rapid solutions as we transform Battery Park City governance.” said Assemblyman Charles D. Fall.