Fall Introduces Legislation to Regulate Safety Standards for Trampoline Park Industry
Assemblyman Charles D. Fall (D-Richmond) recently introduced legislation (A.7250) that would regulate safety procedures and strengthen guidelines for the trampoline park industry in New York State. The legislation stems from a report showing a nationwide increase of injuries to consumers.
According to the Consumer Product Safety Commission there has been a major spike in injuries associated with trampoline parks, nationwide. In 2013 there were an estimated 2,500 reported injuries, 6,200 in 2014, 9,100 in 2015, 11,300 in 2016 and an astounding 17,800 in 2017.
In the last few years, emergency room visits associated with injuries at trampoline parks have skyrocketed. According to the Consumer Product Safety Commission, the numbers have shot up from 2,500 in 2013 to almost 18,000 in 2017.
The new legislation would require an updated business license, license suspension or revocation if safety standards are violated, compliance with industry standards, trampoline park employee training, reporting of injuries, emergency response plan and annual certification, inspection and insurance administered by the Department of State.
As a member of the New York State Assembly Consumer Protection Committee and Chair of the Consumer Fraud Protection Sub-Committee, it was necessary to introduce this legislation with the full intent of protecting and giving assurances to parents and their children that use these recreational facilities throughout New York State, said Fall.