News Articles

George Santos under investigation, but vows to be sworn in

Jewish residents and leaders react to Santos’ lies

Queens District Attorney is third prosecutor's office looking into George Santos

LI Officials Call For Investigations Into Rep.-Elect George Santos

From the Desk of Charles Lavine: The fault lies in ourselves

Michelle Obama's Official Portraitist, Nassau Native, Honored

Nassau Toy Drive Extended To Dec. 23; Will Benefit Families In Need

Third time’s the charm for Glen Cove city school bond

Blakeman welcomes Ukrainian consul general to Nassau County

State Assemblymember Lavine launches annual toy drive to benefit Hicksville Boys and Girls Club

Marie Colvin Way a reminder of a hometown girl’s sacrifice

Westbury Arts Holds 2022 Black and White Gala Fundraiser

Late wartime journalist Marie Colvin honored close to home

New York Governor Signs Bill for College Housing Units to Have Narcan

DiNapoli: NYS overdose deaths surged during pandemic

The 2022 Long Island Power 100

Joel Meirowitz, a former Glen Cove judge and ‘waterman’ dies at 75

Lavine ships 10,000 pounds of aid to people of Ukraine

Cuomo files motions seeking disclosure of attorney general, Assembly misconduct investigation documents

Long Island Cares food bank to ship supplies to Ukraine