Tague Joins Call For American Legion Funding In State Budget
This week, Assemblyman Chris Tague (R,C,I,Ref-Schoharie) joined many of his peers in the Assembly Minority Conference in signing a letter to the governor and legislative leaders urging that $150,000 be allocated to the American Legion Boys State program in the state budget. American Legion Boys State is a week-long program that offers high school seniors an opportunity to gain leadership training and first-class citizenship skills through government operations exercises, physical fitness, teamwork and other activities. The program is led by American Legion counselors and active duty marines. The American Legion has received $150,000 each of the past five years.
On this the 100th Anniversary of the New York State American Legion, I am resolute in ensuring that they receive the funding they need to continue being a guiding hand in our communities, said Tague. The American Legion has helped make the lives of thousands better and been a tireless contributor to both our local communities and New York state as a whole. I urge the governor and the leaders of the Legislature to answer this call and allocate the necessary funds.