2024-2025 Issues Survey Results
Thank you to everyone who participated in my 2024-2025 Issues Survey. The survey was intended to solicit information about issues that matter to constituents and to gain feedback on specific issues and legislation that the Legislature may address during the current legislative session. Below is a summary of the responses. There were 346 respondents from the 95th Assembly District; responses from participants outside of the district are excluded from the summary.
- Which of the following issues matter to you?
Respondents were able to select more than one issue. The top five chosen most frequently were climate change/environmental sustainability (73%), democracy (72%), gun violence (66%), healthcare costs (64%), and infrastructure (64%). Majorities also chose taxes (61%), reproductive freedom (61%), education (58%), racism/xenophobia/antisemitism (55%), public safety (52%), and social justice/equality (52%).

- The New York HEAT Act would write into law the Public Service Commission (PSC)’s goal of capping household utility bills at 6% of a household’s income, requiring utilities to pursue cost savings. It would also end state subsidies for the provision of natural gas, and require the PSC to develop a plan to transition the state away from natural gas. Should New York pass this law?
A plurality of respondents, 47%, said that New York should pass the New York HEAT Act, while 28% said that they were not sure. Twenty-two percent said that New York should not pass this law, and 3% left this question blank.

A few respondents used the open-ended space at the end of the survey to ask questions about the HEAT Act, including which household bills would be covered and how various aspects of the legislation would be paid for. To answer these questions:
- The 6% cap would apply to gas and electric bills. It does not apply to delivered fuels, such as oil and propane.
- The legislation would not immediately implement the 6% cap; it would make the PSC’s goal of a cap a law they would be bound to follow, instead of just a goal. The PSC would then be required to establish a process for implementing the cap with the utilities it regulates, including a timeline.
- The legislation would remove the “obligation to serve” natural gas as well as state subsidies for this obligation, while retaining the obligation to serve power. The savings generated by ending these subsidies could then be redirected to neighborhood-scale electrification projects.
- The New York Health Act would create a single-payer healthcare system in New York. It would be funded by a combination of payroll and income taxes that would be higher for higher income earners and lower for those who earn less, as well as funding from the federal government and other sources. It would eliminate costs like deductibles, co-pays, and other out-of-pocket expenses; 90% of New Yorkers would spend less on healthcare than they do at present. Should New York pass this law?
A majority of respondents, 58%, supported passing the New York Health Act. Twenty-one percent were not sure, and 20% opposed the legislation.

- The Packaging Reduction & Recycling Infrastructure Act would save taxpayers and municipalities money by forcing polluting companies to pay to deal with their packaging waste. It would also get 19 of the most toxic chemicals and substances out of packaging and require companies to reduce their packaging by 30% over 12 years. Should New York pass this law?
The great majority of survey respondents, 87%, supported passing this legislation. Five percent were not sure, and 6% opposed it.

- The Compassionate Care Act would allow adults who have been confirmed to be mentally competent and terminally ill (with a prognosis of 6 months or less to live) to have the option of requesting and obtaining medication enabling them to die peacefully in their sleep. Should New York pass this law?
A majority of respondents, 74%, supported passing this legislation, also referred to as Medical Aid in Dying. Eleven percent were not sure, and 13% opposed the legislation.

- The “One Fair Wage” Act would phase out the subminimum wage for tipped workers in New York State, guaranteeing that all workers (including those in the restaurant industry) earn at least the state’s minimum wage. It would also enable any tips that are given to “front of house” restaurant workers to be shared with “back of house” workers, a practice currently barred by state law. Should New York pass this law?
A majority of respondents, 62%, supported passing this legislation. Twenty-three percent were not sure, and 13% opposed the legislation.

- The Consumer & Small Business Protection Act would update the general business law to prohibit a broader variety of unfair and abusive practices that have arisen in recent decades. It would guarantee that successful plaintiffs are able to recover attorney’s fees, enabling more individuals and small businesses to seek justice, and raise the minimum award for statutory damages from $50 to $1,000. Should New York pass this law?
A majority of respondents, 65%, supported passing this legislation. Twenty-five percent were not sure, and 6% opposed the bill.