
Keeping You Informed

Legislative Session Update

2019 New York City Parking Calendar - Compliments of Assembly Member Daniel O'Donnell

Legislative Session Newsletter

Community Newsletter / Noticiario de la Comunidad - Winter / Invierno 2017/2018

Celebrating 100 Years of women’s suffrage in New York State

Assembly Member Daniel O'Donnell & The New York Public Library present The First Community Writing Challenge Spring 2017

Community Newsletter / Noticiario de la Comunidad - Winter / Invierno 2017

2017 New York City Parking Calendar

O'Donnell Joins City & State Officials in Letter to Department of Housing and Urban Development Regarding Proposed Changes to Section 8 Program

12th Annual Health Service Day / 12º Día Anual de Servicios de Salud

Join Assembly Member O’Donnell to reduce rats in your neighborhood with these 5 tips from DOHMH / Únase al asambleísta O’Donnell para eliminar las ratas en su comunidad con estos 5 consejos del DOHMH

Senior Newsletter / Noticiario para Adultos Mayores - 2016

This is a big election year for New York!

Community Newsletter / Noticiario de la Comunidad - Summer / Verano 2016 - Douglass Houses

Community Newsletter / Noticiario de la Comunidad - Summer / Verano 2016 - Grant Houses

Zoning Letter

O’Donnell & The State Committee On Open Government’s op-ed calling for new legislation to access police disciplinary records

O’Donnell’s probe into the Clinton Correctional Facility escape last June

O’Donnell’s WCNY interview on his efforts to reform the criminal justice system

O’Donnell’s comments regarding the Assembly passage of the GENDA bill