O’Donnell Statement Thanking President Obama for His Support of Marriage Equality

“I am thrilled President Obama has announced his support for true Marriage Equality in the United States. There have been few more significant moments in the battle for equality than this endorsement by the leader of the free world.

As the President has previously acknowledged, for many, this is a changing, evolving issue. I’m very grateful that today, our President declared his support for equal treatment under law for LGBT individuals across our country.

When I spoke with President Obama yesterday at the UAlbany NanoTech complex, I shared my experience leading the legislative battle for Marriage Equality in New York, and of my own recent wedding to my partner – now husband – of 31 years. I asked the President to remember how important this issue is to so many, and I hoped to put another human face to the issue.

I send my sincere thanks again to President Obama for taking this bold step. The tide is shifting on Marriage Equality and I’m proud that he will be there, leading the charge.”