McDonough: Assembly Majority Ignores Opt-Out Movement, Kills Bill To Suspend Common Core
Assemblyman Dave McDonough (R,C,I-Merrick) today condemned Assembly Majority members on the Education Committee for ignoring the concerns of teachers, parents and students by voting against the suspension of Common Core testing. Members of the Assembly Majority today chose not to report A.3656, a bi-partisan effort that would suspend and re-evaluate the Common Core curriculum. The bill was held for consideration for the second consecutive year despite growing concerns over the irresponsibly-implemented Common Core standards and the large number of students who opted out of testing this year.
“I am discouraged that members of the Assembly Majority continue to play politics with our teachers, parents and students,” McDonough said. “In light of growing concerns over Common Core and the tens of thousands of students who opted out of testing this year, we should at least put the Assembly Minority Conference’s APPLE Plan legislation up for a vote. I have been championing this issue for several years and will continue to fight for local control of education on Long Island and throughout New York State.”