Assemblyman Braunstein Announces Mother’s Day Essay & Poetry Contest

Assemblyman Edward C. Braunstein (D-Bayside) is announcing the return of the annual Mother’s Day Essay and Poetry Contest, open to students in grades 2-5 who live or go to school in Assembly District 26.
Submissions can be any length and should have a Mother’s Day theme, such as a favorite experience, or an essay about why your mother is so special to you. The deadline to enter the contest is Monday, May 16, 2022.
“I’m happy to invite Northeast Queens students to submit an entry to my annual Mother’s Day Essay and Poetry Contest. This is a great opportunity for students to showcase their storytelling abilities and writing skills, potentially win a district-wide prize, and, most importantly, honor their mother,” said Assemblyman Edward Braunstein. “I look forward to reading the entries as we prepare to celebrate this very special holiday.”
District-wide prizes will be awarded in each grade and New York State Assembly Certificates of Merit will be awarded to all participating students. If you are interested in participating, please print your full name, grade and school information on your entry and submit your essay or poem to Assemblyman Braunstein’s office at 213-33 39th Avenue, Suite 238, Bayside, NY 11361. You can also submit your essay by email to or fax it to 718-357-5947.
If entrants have any questions, they can contact Assemblyman Braunstein’s office at 718-357-3588.