Thiele: Hardworking New Yorkers Deserve Paid Family Leave

Bill is part of Assembly’s emphasis on ‘Families First’

Assemblyman Fred W. Thiele, Jr. (I, D, WF-Sag Harbor) announced the Assembly passed legislation he sponsored to implement paid family leave benefits for injury or sickness, pregnancy or to care for a family member (A.3870). Providing workers with paid time off to care for their families is not only good for their economic security but also benefits the overall economy and society as a whole. “No one should have to choose between caring for a family member or newborn and making ends meet,” said Assemblyman Thiele. “Hardworking New Yorkers must be given the flexibility of being able to care for their loved ones when they’re needed the most. The Assembly’s Families First agenda means exactly that – putting our families first.” While the federal Family and Medical Leave Act guarantees 12 weeks of unpaid leave to some workers so they can care for a sick relative or nurture a new child, most people can’t afford to take unpaid time off from work, and unfortunately, about 40 percent of the workforce is not covered by this policy.1 The Assembly legislation would ensure all workers are able to take paid family leave when the health or well-being of a loved one is at stake, helping families maintain financial security. Under the legislation, businesses would be required to offer a paid family leave benefit and employers could have workers contribute up to 45 cents per week to the policy. This small employee contribution would ensure up to 12 weeks of paid family leave, cover two-thirds of the worker’s salary and guarantee job security during the absence. Unexpected medical emergencies, childbirth and care of aging relatives are issues all families face, yet only about 12 percent of private-sector workers currently have access to paid family leave, Thiele noted. This bill would help hardworking individuals avoid financial disaster and, in turn, bolster family earnings and the state’s economy.2 “Providing paid family leave when workers need to take care of their families is the right thing to do,” said Assemblyman Thiele. “This vital legislation will help all hardworking New Yorkers balance work and family and maintain their economic security.”
