Keeping You Informed

Free Concerts for the Community - John Benitez and his Latin Jazz Band

Free Concerts for the Community - John Benitez and his Latin Jazz Band

Assemblyman Jeffrey Dinowitz Reports to the People of the 81st Assembly District - Spring 2014

Get tested for Hepatitis C

Pedestrian Safety

Assemblyman Jeffrey Dinowitz is building the foundation for a stronger community.

2014 New York City Parking Calendar

Assemblyman Jeffrey Dinowitz Reports to the People of the 81st Assembly District - Winter 2013

Remember to Register for Your Basic STAR Exemption

New York State of Health: Understanding the Affordable Care Act

Giving back to our veterans

Assemblyman Jeffrey Dinowitz Reports to the People of the 81st Assembly District - Riverdale Edition - June 2013

Assemblyman Jeffrey Dinowitz Reports to the People of Van Cortlandt Village

Early Voting

Assemblyman Jeffrey Dinowitz passes historic NY SAFE Act

Assemblyman Jeffrey Dinowitz Reports to the People of the 81st Assembly District - December 2012

Assemblyman Dinowitz Will be Hosting Town Hall Meetings on Senior Issues Throughout the 81st Assembly District

Assemblyman Jeffrey Dinowitz Reports to the People of the 81st Assembly District - September 2012

Assemblyman Jeffrey Dinowitz Gets Tough on Crime

Assemblyman Dinowitz gets tough on bullies