Giglio Pushes for More Funding for Local Roads

Assemblywoman Jodi Giglio (R,C-Riverhead) rallied with her Assembly and Senate colleagues today in the call for more statewide funds to support local road maintenance. There already exists a provision in the state budget to supply localities with some funding for road maintenance, but considering that allocation is divided statewide, Giglio wants to ensure there’s enough funding for everyone without having to compromise road safety.

“My hope is that an increase in the allotment from the budget will ensure that no road gets left behind,” Giglio said. “Unfortunately, most industry experts say these prices will not be going down soon. As such, proper maintenance of asphalt pavement is becoming increasingly more important.”

“A solid plan for sustainability and safety on roads requires additional funding, not the same as years past. The investment is worth it,” Giglio concluded.