McGowan Joins Efforts to Stop Gov. Hochul’s MTA Payroll Tax Increase & Housing Plan

Assemblyman John McGowan (R,C- Rockland) attended a press conference today alongside Congressman Mike Lawler, Assemblyman Matt Slater (R,C-Yorktown) and local elected officials in opposition to Gov. Hochul’s proposal to increase the MTA payroll taxes and the ‘New York Housing Compact.’ The housing plan will add 800,000 housing units across the state over the course of 10 years.

The proposed 2023-24 State Budget is a record-setting $227 billion which will most likely increase as the Senate and the Assembly adjust parts of the budget during this legislative session.

“Hochul’s housing ‘plan’ takes away the authority of local communities and will surely overwhelm infrastructure with the influx of new residents coming in. It’s clear we are having a housing crisis, but this is another rushed and misguided proposal that will continue to take money out of the pockets of New Yorkers, take away local control from the people who know their communities and continue pushing people out of the state,” said McGowan.

“New York is already the highest taxed state. To put that into perspective, we are not creating jobs or putting residents first– let’s be clear, we are adding taxes and taking away local control and this is something my colleagues and I cannot support,” he concluded.

McGowan is calling on residents to sign a petition in opposition to this tax. The petition can be found here: