Brown: New York State’s Donate Life Program Saves Lives

A statement from Assemblyman Keith P. Brown (R,C-Northport) in response to a press conference held in Albany on April 16, 2024, led by members of the Assembly Minority and Majority Conferences to help promote New York State’s Donate Life Registry.

“New York State’s Donate Life Registry is a godsend to so many struggling families out there in need of tissue and organ donation. I am proud to see this collaboration between the Assembly Minority and Majority Conferences to help raise awareness and expand this program to reach more communities statewide. There are 7,962 patients from New York state currently on the national organ transplant waitlist, and the list is still growing. To prevent more names from being added and prevent those currently on it from passing before a suitable organ donor can be found, I encourage everyone to register for organ and tissue donation today!”

Editor’s Note: To sign up to be an organ and/or tissue donor for New York State’s Donate Life Registry program today, please visit their Web site.