Solution To Stopping The Brain Drain: Create More Private Sector Jobs & Opportunities
We often hear people talking about the “brain drain” in upstate New York: the mass exodus of our state’s youngest and brightest leaving for other destinations where there are better business opportunities. This “brain drain” hurts our state and further diminishes two of New York’s most important resources: our human and intellectual capital.
According to a recent report from the non-partisan, independent Empire Center for New York State Policy, based on Census data, our state leads the nation in population loss, as 1.6 million New Yorkers left from 2000 to 2010. As a percentage of total population, New York’s net domestic migration loss during this time frame was the highest of all 50 states. Inevitably, our state’s loss has been Tennessee’s, Texas’s and South Carolina’s gain – all states with thriving economies and lower taxes that are creating more private sector jobs and opportunities for their citizens.
The exodus of our fellow New Yorkers to these areas is no coincidence. These findings confirm what I have been saying for over a year: New York State’s lack of jobs, nation leading taxes, and anti-business regulatory policies are driving people and businesses away. Simply put, people are voting with their feet.
Albany’s fiscal irresponsibility, including high taxes, onerous fees, over-regulating and lots of red tape, continues to send the message that New York is NOT open for business. The government’s nickel-and- diming of job creators through bureaucratic policies is why so many people have left, and continue to leave, New York.
New York State does not need any more bureaucracy. We need to unleash the very same entrepreneurial spirit that led to New York being the undisputed leader in areas of financial services, manufacturing and jobs—starting with capping state spending, cutting taxes on businesses and transforming state agencies from job destroyers into job creators. Simply put, Albany needs to get out of the way.
Instead of more government programs and policies that don’t work, we need to try something new: get government off the backs, and out of the way, of job creators. For example, we need to stop the Unemployment Insurance Surcharge; reduce government regulations and alleviate unfunded mandates; and cap state spending to make Albany get serious about tightening its belt.
It’s time to demand that Albany focus on fixing our economy, stopping the brain drain, and restoring our state to prominence as the Empire State.
Just a reminder—I invite you to join me and Assembly Minority Leader Brian Kolb at a Town Hall meeting on Tuesday, September 13 from 6:30 p.m. to 8:00 p.m. at the Town of LeRay Municipal Office, 8650 LeRay Street in Evans Mills. We will be having an important conversation about the “People’s Convention to Reform New York”, a non-partisan grassroots reform effort that will benefit taxpayers like you.
Seating is limited, so RSVP for this Town Hall meeting today by calling Kathleen Lisson in the Assembly Minority Office of Public Affairs at (518) 455-5073. Then visit to join nearly 2,500 New Yorkers who support a “People’s Convention.”
I look forward to seeing you on Tuesday, September 13 at this special Town Hall meeting. Together, we will move another step closer to the less costly, more affordable New York State we deserve!
If you cannot attend this special Town Hall meeting, then feel free to contact me at my district office, 315-493-3909, 15 Bridge Street, West Carthage, or email me at