Billions For NYC Capital Projects Without Financial Plans While Upstate Bridges Remain Closed

Legislative Column from Assemblyman Ken Blankenbush (R,C,I-Black River)

The disparity between what is invested downstate compared to upstate is glaringly obvious and rife with hypocrisy and bad governing practices. Recently, the governor made a major announcement about his plans of rebuilding LaGuardia Airport, an estimated $4 billion project. I personally see no issue with the desire to improve and modernize infrastructure, as I’ve been championing that for my own district. The problem is, however, that just like the $4 billion Tappan Zee Bridge rebuild, there is no financial plan for this project and could lead to millions, if not billions, in waste that could instead be used to support upstate infrastructure.

Earlier this year, I wrote about the issues we are having with our own local infrastructure. There are 30 closed local bridges and spans within my Assembly District, with one county having at least 11 bridges closed. I know our local highway teams have worked out the costs of repairing and re-opening these crucial points of infrastructure. The closure of these spans is isolating people from their communities and has, in some instances, hindered first responders and fire departments from reaching citizens in emergencies.

Rural upstate New York communities are stretching every dollar they can, but this is not easy considering all the dictated financial demands created by state unfunded mandates. The simple truth is that a modest revenue base, unfunded mandates, and the expensive costs of maintaining roadways during the harsh upstate winters have made it very difficult for communities to afford to repair these bridges and spans.

And here we are again, the state is investing nearly $8 billion in what I consider luxury transportation pet-projects without requiring financial accountability from the Thruway Authority or the Port Authority. New York taxpayers deserve better, and, especially important to me, my constituents deserve better.

I welcome your input on this or any other legislative matter. Please contact me by email at or by phone at 493-3909.