Slater: Same Albany, Different Day
A statement from Assemblyman Matt Slater (R,C-Yorktown) on Gov. Hochul’s State of the State
Editor’s Note: Watch Assemblyman Slater’s State of the State remarks here.
“New Yorkers deserve leadership — we’re sick of the Albany double talk that makes headlines but fails to deliver real solutions.
“Gov. Hochul’s State of the State left even her strongest supporters scratching their heads. The fact is there is no such thing as a free service from government — someone has to pay for it. This State of the State decried the affordability crisis we are facing, which is a crisis caused by years of out-of-control tax and spend policies. What we heard today was a desperate political attempt to spend hundreds of billions of dollars without a single detail on who is going to pay for it.”
Editor’s Note: Watch Assemblyman Slater’s State of the State remarks here.