Support Assemblyman Mike Norris’ Smart, Common-Sense Border Safety Solutions Plan

The United States has a long history of accepting immigrants who have sought a better life in our nation. Sadly, recent federal immigration policy has resulted in an overflow of illegal entries coming into our country, creating a humanitarian crisis and failing American citizens at the same time. Here in New York, the surge of more than 185,000 people who have come here illegally cost taxpayers more than $1.9 billion in state spending in the 2023-24 Budget and another $2.4 billion in spending this year to make up for Washington’s failed policies.

Enough is enough. Mike Norris has a smart, common-sense plan:

  • Revoke New York’s “Sanctuary State” status
  • Repeal the Green Light Law, which allows anyone in New York State aged 16 or older to obtain a state-issued driver license or learner permit regardless of citizenship or lawful status in the United States (A.5395)
  • Restore and improve communication between federal immigration officials (U.S. Immigration and Customs Enforcement) and local law enforcement (A8033, A9167)
  • Protect local communities from “Right to Shelter” laws by clarifying those localities without such a law or ordinance shall not be required to shelter undocumented immigrants (A.8034)
  • Safeguard our schools, day cares and community organizations open to minors from becoming shelters for migrants (A.8013)
  • Require proper health and safety background checks for all migrants (A7319-A)
  • Stop wasteful spending on illegal entries who have not been vetted. For example, taxpayer funds should not be spent on free hotel rooms or cell phones, debit cards, free college tuition or voting rights for those who have crossed our borders illegally.