Norris Calls For Increased Funding For Local Roads & Infrastructure
Assemblyman Mike Norris (R,I,C,Ref-Lockport) spoke at the Joint Budget Hearing on Transportation today in Albany, calling on his colleagues to increase funding for local roads, bridges and infrastructure and a full restoration of the Extreme Winter Recovery program in the final state budget.
Western New Yorkers pay taxes too and deserve to have their fair share of infrastructure funding. Our roads, bridges, sewers and other infrastructure are in great need of repair and modernization not to mention all the potholes, said Norris, who is a member of both the Assembly Committee on Transportation and Ways and Means, which oversees the budget process. This is a detriment to public safety, our ability to thrive economically and a reduction of our quality of life. I hope funding will be restored or enhanced in the final budget agreement.
In the governors Executive Budget proposal, he did not increase funding for any of the programs that impact infrastructure outside of New York City. For the second year in a row, he proposed eliminating the Extreme Winter Recovery program, and is keeping funding for the Consolidated Local Street and Highway Program (CHIPS), PAVE-NY and BRIDGE-NY the same as in prior years.