Assemblymember Steck Co-Sponsors Legislation to Reform STAR Program
Assemblymember Phil Steck (D-Colonie) announced he is co-sponsoring legislation to cut the red tape surrounding the state’s School Tax Relief (STAR) program so homeowners can get the tax relief they deserve without delay (A.5969).
“Far too many Capital Region families have been waiting months to get their STAR rebates,” Steck said. “By allowing bureaucracy to tie up hundreds of dollars, we’re hurting homeowners. I’m fighting to restore timely property tax relief so our families don’t have hurdles to jump over.”
Changes to the STAR program made last year meant that rather than receiving a yearly reduction in their school tax bill like before, new homeowners and those who moved to a different home had to pay a higher bill and then register for a rebate check from the state. Although the benefit amount is the same, the new system has been inconvenient, at best, for affected homeowners, noted Steck. Many did not receive their rebate before their taxes were due.
The Assembly legislation reverses these changes and returns administration of the program to local assessors rather than the state Department of Taxation and Finance. Furthermore, the measure requires the state to help localities notify residents of these new changes so that all qualified homeowners receive the exemption. Under the legislation, the STAR exemption program would reopen to new applicants while the STAR credit program would sunset so all who were owed checks will still receive their credit. It would also give homeowners who have not registered with the state for the STAR credit at least 60 days to apply for the exemption for the coming school year.
“By transitioning back to an exemption system, we can ensure all eligible homeowners get the relief they deserve upfront. This will save a lot of headaches, especially for hardworking families and seniors already struggling to make ends meet,” Steck said.