Pheffer Amato Starts Summer Reading Awards Tour at PS114

Assemblywoman Stacey Pheffer Amato (D-Belle Harbor) started her first Summer Reading Awards Tour at PS114 in Belle Harbor this past Wednesday, handing out certificates of completion to dozens of students for making regular reading a part of their summer experience. Pheffer Amato did her first Summer Reading program as a Member of the State Assembly this summer, starting in May, when she supplied schools with materials for their students to track their progress over the summer. Parents and schools have mailed the materials back, and Pheffer Amato has then produced a certificate for each student who completed the Summer Reading Challenge.
“This is a fun, straightforward way to get kids to read – and because it’s so easy, it works!” said Pheffer Amato. “These kids have done something really amazing. They got themselves in the habit of reading over the summer. Even when school was out, they made a substantial contribution to their education. Reading is one of my favorite things. It’s a great habit that’ll follow these kids wherever they go; hopefully, it’ll also be a lifelong joy.
“I’m so grateful to all the parents, teachers, administrators and students at PS114 who kept everything on task and made it fun,” she continued. “We’ll be going all throughout the district awarding young readers, and there’s no better place to start than with the bright, enthusiastic kids of PS 114!”