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NYS Volunteer Firefighter Gap Coverage Cancer Benefits

"I'm pleased to report that the New York State Volunteer Firefighter Gap Coverage Cancer Disability Benefits Act has been signed into law (Chapter 334 of 2017). Under this new measure, effective January 1, 2019, volunteer firefighters will be eligible to receive access to tax free disability and death benefits if diagnosed with certain cancers or diseases from their service to our community.

The New York State Volunteer Firefighter Gap Coverage Cancer Disability Benefits Act can help our volunteer firefighters and their families in times of need. The coverage helps with medical expenses by providing a lump sum payment of either $6,250 or $25,000, depending on the severity of diagnosis. It also creates a 36-month, $1,500 monthly benefit for firefighters who become disabled, and a $50,000 accidental death benefit for families.

I ask that you share this important news with local members of the volunteer fire services in your area. For more information contact the New York State Office of Fire Prevention and Control by calling 518-242-5202.

You can can also sign-up to receive updates and more information as it becomes available. Simply complete the form below! In the meantime, should you have any questions or need assistance, please call me at 718-945-9550, I'm happy to help."