Barclay, Walczyk Seek Extreme Winter Recovery Assistance for Region
In response to the recent extreme winter weather events in Central New York, including heavy snow and ice, Assembly Minority Leader Will Barclay (R,C-Pulaski) and Sen. Mark Walczyk penned a letter to the governor seeking further state assistance. The region is accustomed to heavy winter precipitation, but this season’s winter storms have contributed to at least 26 roof collapses in Oswego County impacting homes, businesses and public buildings.
In the letter, Leader Barclay and Sen. Walczyk urged the governor to consider:
Increasing funding for the Extreme Winter Recovery program to ensure these impacted communities are able to rebuild local roads and bridges; Offering shared services and use of equipment from state agencies to help in snow and ice removal and to overcome other pedestrian and motorist safety hazards; and Allowing the Department of Financial Services to assist in expediting insurance claims and provide more access to financial support as it is similarly done with flooding emergencies.
“The people of Central New York are undaunted by the prospect of the winter months and the resulting snow—instead, welcoming the season with open arms. However, this year’s weather has delivered a devastating combination contributing to damage to homes, businesses and even a firehouse. We are asking the governor to commit the state’s resources to provide assistance and expedite the recovery process in our communities,” said Leader Barclay and Sen. Walczyk.