Elected Officials, Advocates, and Individuals with Serious Mental Illness Hold Press Conference Calling for $15M in Funding to Expand Mental Health Clubhouses Statewide Feb 26, 2025 Albany, NY – Elected officials, staff from clubhouses across New York State, individuals with serious mental illness, and advocates from partner mental health organizations assembled in Albany on Tuesday to advocate for clubhouse expansion in New York...
Aumento de la Autorización de Bonos y Pagarés en la Agencia Hipotecaria del Estado de Nueva York Dec 20, 2022 Albany, NY – La gobernadora Kathy Hochul firmó el proyecto de ley A10223 que entró en vigor, y aumentará la autorización de bonos y pagarés de la agencia hipotecaria del estado de Nueva York (SONYMA, por sus siglas en inglés). La nueva ley aumentará...
Increasing the Bond and Notes Authorization in New York State Mortgage Agency Dec 20, 2022 Albany, NY – Governor Kathy Hochul signed bill A10223 which has taken into effect and will increase the bond and note authorization of the state of New York mortgage agency (SONYMA). The new law will increase the bond and notes from one billion dollars...
Protecting New Yorkers from gun violence / Protegiendo a los neoyorquinos contra la violencia armada Aug 17, 2022
Assemblywoman / Asambleísta Yudelka Tapia: My door is always open / Mi puerta siempre está abierta Dec 10, 2021