Ed Ra: The Jobs Advocate our community needs.
Ed Ra joined Governor Cuomo in supporting a pro-jobs agenda:
- Recharge NY & Power NY: help the private sector create jobs, provide low-cost power to families and small businesses, reform power-generating laws, and support high-tech job growth.
- Long Island Regional Economic Development Council: allows for local planning and targeted investments to help spur economic growth, create jobs, and preserve local resources.
- Re-tool and re-define state agencies to work with, instead of against, job creators.
Ed wants to make sure Albany doesn’t set the rules for small-business job creators.
Here are some ways you can get involved with getting New York back to work:
SMALL BUSINESS DEVELOPMENT CENTER, http://www.nyssbdc.org/: SBDC provides professional business advisement, education and network resources designed for the economic sustainability of small businesses.
BUSINESS FIRST, http://www.nyfirst.ny.gov/: Business First is a business-focused portal of incentives, programs and resources available to companies within New York State and those that choose to relocate here.
ENTREPRENEURIAL ASSISTANCE PROGRAM, http://www.esd.ny.gov: This program is designed to help entrepreneurs create new businesses by providing instruction, training, technical assistance and help in obtaining financing.