The opportunity to improve the business climate in New York is here.

A Reality-Based Budget
  • Require the state to allocate more resources for economic development. Currently, New York devotes less than 1 percent of its total budget to job creation and economic development.
  • Partner colleges and universities like Nassau Community College and SUNY Stony Brook with manufacturers and businesses to provide students with the job skills they will need to succeed – and get these leaders of tomorrow working locally.
  • Build on the success of Recharge NY to continue offering lower energy rates which will help businesses create jobs and grow.
Spending Discipline
  • A smaller, leaner, more efficient government will help cut the cost of doing business in New York and allow employers to do what they do best: create jobs.
  • Fix New York’s tax code to make it simpler, fairer, and flatter for all businesses. Albany cannot continue to over- regulate businesses out of our state.
  • Ed understands business innovators today know more about growing jobs and their businesses than Albany politicians. We must get state government out of the way of job creation.
An Innovation Economy
  • Encourage and support innovative energy and environmental technology development.
  • Promote green jobs and alternative sources of power to tap into new markets and increase our energy independence.

I want to bring your ideas to Albany. What are your ideas for job growth and economic development on Long Island? How do you believe state government can play a role in creating opportunities for businesses?

Scan this barcode to post your comments on Facebook or email me your suggestions: or call me at 437-5577.