New York State Assembly’s
Summer Reading Challenge

Read a book and open worlds!

Sponsored by
Edward C. Braunstein

in cooperation with

Assemblyman Andrew Goodell
Edward C.

Dear Friend,

Summer’s coming. What a perfect time to read and learn about the world right here in New York. Studies show that children who continue to read during the summer perform better in school in the fall.

Your local library is an excellent resource for reading material. To encourage our children to read more and become excited about reading, I am holding the Summer Reading Challenge, in cooperation with the New York State Library’s initiative, Summer Reading at New York Libraries. “One World, Many Stories” is New York Libraries’ theme, and we’ve included books that explore New York in all its many faces. You can also check your local library for additional suggestions.

Here’s how the challenge works: Mark the enclosed calendar for each day in July and August that your child reads with you, someone else or alone. When you’ve marked off 40 or more days, your child has earned a New York State Assembly Excellence in Reading Certificate. Fill out the back of this brochure and return it, along with the calendar, to me. I’ll ensure that your child receives a certificate.

Thank you and happy reading!


Member of Assembly

Assemblyman Edward C. Braunstein
213-33 39th Avenue, Suite 238
Bayside, NY 11361

Click here to see The Summer Reading Challenge Suggested Reading List.
