HEREAS, New York State Assembly Member Daniel J. O’Donnell, with the New York Public Library, sponsors The Community Reading Challenge; and

WHEREAS, The Community Reading Challenge is designed to encourage the youth of the 69th Assembly District of New York State to develop a life-long love of reading and visit their community libraries; and

WHEREAS, The Community Reading Challenge promotes fun and exciting ways for children to discover the power of literature; and

WHEREAS, Alex Akidil, Ben Akidil, Rosa Biaggi, Hyoung Bin Park, Kai Canoll, Rosana Deleon, Harrison Giovannelli, Sterling Hamilton, Serena J. Penniman, Nygel Jones, Alex Juma, Juwan Landon, Terrell Mack, Frank Martinez, Sapphire Rose Martinez, Leichaela Miller, Thea Moerman, Abel Ngala, Wendy Ngala, Violet Rivers, Xavier Rivers, Shakira Samuels and Alexi Vizhnay, as well as others not specifically listed here, have completed The Community Reading Challenge at the Morningside Heights Branch Library in the City of New York. Now therefore be it

RESOLVED, In view of the outstanding achievements of these children and all others who participated in the Challenge, I, Daniel J. O’Donnell, New York State Assembly Member, 69th District, by the power and authority vested in me, this twentieth day of April, 2006, join in honoring them as truly outstanding individuals on this special occasion.

Dated: April 20, 2006
In Witness Whereof, I Have Hereunto
Set My Hand and Signature

Daniel J. O’Donnell
New York State Assembly
69th District
