Assemblyman Jeffrey Dinowitz

  1. What grade would you give to the MTA Express Bus service in our community?

    box  A box  B box  C box  D box  F
  2. What grade would you give the old Liberty Lines Express Bus Service?

    box  A box  B box  C box  D box  F
  3. How often do you use the Express Bus?

    box  Once a month box  Once a week box  Every day
  4. How often are the buses late compared to Liberty Lines?

    box  Much more often box  Somewhat more often box  About the same
    box  Somewhat less often box   Much less often
  5. How often has a bus not arrived at all compared to when Liberty Lines ran the express bus service?

    box  Much more often box  Somewhat more often box  About the same
    box  Somewhat less often box   Much less often
  6. Regarding scheduling, has the frequency of the buses changed?

    box  Greater frequency (less time between buses) box  About the same
    box  Less frequency (more time between buses)
  7. Please rate the cleanliness of the buses compared to Liberty Lines buses.

    box  Much better box  Better box  The same box  Worse box  Much worse
  8. In terms of courtesy and helpfulness, how do the drivers compare to Liberty Lines drivers?

    box  Much better box  Better box  The same box  Worse box  Much worse
  9. Is the overall quality of the express bus service better or worse since the MTA takeover of Liberty Lines?

    box  Much better box  Better box  The same box  Worse box  Much worse
  10. How has the MTA takeover of express bus service affected your quality of life?

    box  Made it better box  Hasn't affected it box  Made if worse

Additional comments:

Please mail or return this survey to the office of Assemblyman Jeffrey Dinowitz at 3107 Kingsbridge Avenue, Bronx, New York 10463 by August 31st.

For info, call (718) 796-5345, fax (718) 796-0694.



