Bill Magnarelli is fighting
unfair tax and fee increases
unfair tax and fee increases
The governor’s budget proposal includes over 100 new taxes and fees that will disproportionately burden Central New York’s working families at a time when their wallets are already stretched too thin. Bill Magnarelli knows that these tax increases are unfair and instead supports the proposal requiring the wealthiest New Yorkers to pay a little more, so those earning $40,000 every two weeks aren’t paying the same as those earning $40,000 a year.
- “New Gas Tax” on motor fuels
- “TV Tax” on cable television services
- “Clothing Tax” on clothing and footwear under $110
- “Fun Tax” on sporting events and movie tickets
- “Treadmill Tax” on gym memberships
- “Download Tax” on electronic media
- “Car Tax” on vehicle licensing and registration
- Elimination of Middle Class STAR rebates