2004 Yellow Book
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Change Percent


General Fund 2,853,000 2,980,000 127,000 4.5%
Special Revenue-Other 3,279,000 3,439,000 160,000 4.9%
Special Revenue-Federal 6,414,000 8,259,000 1,845,000 28.8%
Enterprise 20,000 20,000 0 0.0%

Total for AGENCY SUMMARY: 12,566,000 14,698,000 2,132,000 17.0%


Fund Current

General Fund: 34 34 0
All Other Funds: 56 56 0

TOTAL: 90 90 0

Budget Highlights

The three member Commission on Quality of Care for the Mentally Disabled (CQC) is an oversight agency independent of the three other State mental hygiene agencies: the Office of Mental Health (OMH), the Office of Mental Retardation and Developmental Disabilities (OMRDD), and the Office of Alcoholism and Substance Abuse Services (OASAS). In State Fiscal Year (SFY) 2004-05, the CQC will employ a staff of 90 to monitor care of persons served by the mental hygiene system, as well as to investigate complaints of abuse, and reports of injuries and deaths of persons served within the system. In addition, the CQC administers the Surrogate Decision Making Committee Program which acts on behalf of persons in the mental hygiene system who are not competent to make medical care decisions for themselves. The program has expanded over recent years so that its services are now available statewide. Federal funds support agency staff and contracts with not-for-profit agencies to implement protection and advocacy programs for the developmentally disabled, persons with mental illness, those with severe disabilities, and certain beneficiaries of Social Security. Commission programs providing protective services are: Technology Related Protection and Advocacy, Protection and Advocacy for the Developmentally Disabled, Protection and Advocacy for Individuals with Mental Illness, Client Assistance, Protection and Advocacy for Beneficiaries of Social Security, and Protection and Advocacy of Individual Rights. Two new Protection and Advocacy programs are added: the Protection and Advocacy Help America Vote Program using education and outreach to encourage persons with disabilities to participate in the electoral process and the Protection and Advocacy for Persons with Traumatic Brain Injury Program. The Commission also monitors care in Adult Homes. Funding heretofore appropriated in the Department of Health (DOH) and sub-allocated to CQC, for oversight of adult homes in New York City and on Long Island, would be appropriated directly through CQC. Those funds would be in addition to $95,000, for the same purpose, already appropriated in the CQC budget. The Commission also conducts mental hygiene service provider audits, which have generated savings for the mental hygiene system. The Executive proposes consolidating certain Office of Advocate for Persons with Disabilities administrative functions within CQC in order to achieve cost savings.

This agency is included in the Health and Mental Hygiene appropriation bill.

State Operations

The Executive requests an All Funds appropriation of $14,110,000, a net increase of $2,057,000, or 17.11 percent. An increase in General Fund support reflects personal service salary adjustments, nonpersonal service inflation and costs associated with repair of central office flood damage. A net increase of $2,005,000 in federal and special revenue funds, results primarily from the addition of two new protection and advocacy programs, anticipated adjustments in federal salary sharing, and a change in the timing of contract encumbrances, required by Office of the State Comptroller.

Aid To Localities

The Executive proposes an All Funds appropriation of $588,000, a net increase of $75,000, or 14.6 percent. The change results from a transfer to CQC of an appropriation for adult home oversight, previously appropriated in the Department of Health and sub-allocated to CQC.

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