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A11457 Summary:

SAME ASNo same as
SPONSORRules (Weinstein)
COSPNSRWright, Silver, Galef, Aubry, Bradley, Brodsky, Cahill, Cohen A, Cook, Dinowitz, Gordon, John,Klein, Koon, Millman, O'Donnell, Ortiz, Paulin, Perry, Ramos, Sidikman, Sweeney
Add Art 18 Title I SS18-100 - 18-116 & Title II S18-200, amd S14-114, El L; add S92-o, St Fin L
Enacts the Judicial Campaign Finance Reform Act of 2004; provides for public financing for judicial elections; local option public financing for judicial candidates; establishes the New York state judicial election campaign fund; provides penalties for violations thereof.
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