- Summary
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- Floor Votes
- Memo
- Text
A11647 Summary:
BILL NO | A11647 |
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SAME AS | SAME AS S06479-A |
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SPONSOR | Rules (Paulin) |
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COSPNSR | Destito, Galef, O'Donnell, Schimminger, Pheffer, Karben, Cahill, Christensen, Eddington, Gromack,Lavelle |
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Amd SS626, 627, 628, 631 & 634, Exec L | |
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Makes certain provisions regarding claims made to the crime victims board by victims; defines out-of-pocket losses to include expenses incurred as a result of the exacerbation of a pre-existing disability or condition; allows certain crime victims to reapply to the crime victims board for reimbursement; provides certain notification provisions regarding the investigation of claims and determinations; and includes tutoring and public or private educational expenses for a child victim within rehabilitative training and expenses. |