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A03339 Summary:

SAME ASNo same as
COSPNSRColton, Aubry, Scarborough, Markey, Englebright, Braunstein, DenDekker, Brindisi, Morelle, Jaffee, Millman, Zebrowski, Gunther, Lavine, Moya, Titone, Perry, Clark, Cook, Roberts, Hooper, Weprin, Santabarbara, Skoufis, Rozic, Weisenberg, Hevesi, Quart, Lifton, Gjonaj, Otis, Sepulveda, Rosenthal, McDonald, Jacobs, Mosley
MLTSPNSRArroyo, Brennan, Buchwald, Corwin, Duprey, Finch, Fitzpatrick, Galef, Glick, Goodell, Hikind, Lupardo, Malliotakis, McDonough, Montesano, Peoples-Stokes, Ra, Robinson, Schimel, Sweeney, Walter
Rpld SS130.40, 130.45, 130.50, 130.65-a, 130-66, 130.67 & 130.70, amd Pen L, generally; amd CP L, generally; amd S168-a, Cor L; amd S384-b, Soc Serv L; amd S509-cc, V & T L; amd SS117, 301.2, 308.1 & 1052, Fam Ct Act; amd SS61, 62 & 64, Civ Rts L; amd SS213-c & 215, CPLR; amd S123, Ag & Mkts L; amd S4, Judy L
Relates to the offenses of rape in the first, second and third degrees.
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