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A06322 Summary:

SAME ASNo same as
SPONSORStringer (MS)
COSPNSREnglebright, Destito, Dinowitz, Green, John, Klein, Parment, Seddio
MLTSPNSRBing, Bradley, Brennan, Clark, Colton, Cymbrowitz, Galef, Glick, Gordon, Gottfried, Jacobs, Koon,Lavelle, McEneny, Paulin, Smith, Sweeney, Weinstein
Add S169, St Fin L
Defines "improper lobbying influence" and prohibits its use on state contracts; requires agency appointment of procurement integrity officers; requires establishment and review of procedural controls to prohibit improper lobbying influence; provides for sanctions and reports; and prohibits the inclusion of outside lobbying costs in the proposed contract price in response to a request for proposals.
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