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A03641 Summary:

COSPNSRLevenberg, Gibbs, Cunningham, Zinerman, Hevesi
Add 240.80, 240.81 & 240.82, amd 485.05, Pen L; amd 140.10 & 160.50, CP L; amd 79-n, Civ Rts L; amd 75, add 837-y, Exec L
Establishes the universal stop false police reporting act which establishes the crimes of aggravated falsely reporting an incident in the first, second, and third degrees when a person commits the crime of falsely reporting an incident in the first, second, or third degree and such person intended to harass, annoy, threaten, or alarm another person because of a believe or perception regarding a person's race, color, national origin, ancestry, religion, gender, disability, sexual orientation, gender identity or expression, or ethnicity; authorizes officers to arrest persons believed to have committed falsely reporting an incident without first obtaining a warrant; includes such falsely reporting as a hate crime; establishes databases of law enforcement officers and persons convicted of falsely reporting; requires notifying persons of the termination of certain criminal actions or proceedings.
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