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A08189 Summary:

SPONSORBrindisi (MS)
COSPNSRLupardo, Morelle, Hennessey, McDonald, Stirpe, Ryan, Roberts, Santabarbara, Bronson, Barrett, Braunstein, Rozic, Goldfeder, Gunther, Jaffee, Montesano, Blankenbush, Schimel, Magnarelli, Russell, Clark, Zebrowski, Colton, Steck, Lupinacci, Graf, Raia, Skoufis, Miller, Goodell, Tenney, Gantt, Titone, Moya, Abbate, Quart, Camara, Heastie, Sweeney, Pichardo, Ortiz, O'Donnell, Rodriguez, Cusick, Crespo, Borelli, Thiele, Perry, Palmesano, Johns, Fahy, Giglio, Solages, Markey
MLTSPNSRArroyo, Barclay, Brennan, Crouch, Duprey, Jacobs, Kearns, Magee, Mayer, Mosley, Ra, Rivera, Schimminger, Simanowitz, Skartados, Weisenberg
Add S817, Ed L
Establishes a career and technical education (CTE) diploma; a CTE pathway to a diploma shall be based on a curriculum designed to provide students with technical skills and shall demonstrate that the student is ready for a career as determined by regulations of the commissioner.
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