Establishes the people with disabilities access to programs commission to examine, evaluate and make recommendations for new laws with respect to how the state should streamline eligibility requirements and processes for its programs and services to assist people with disabilities.
NEW YORK STATE ASSEMBLY MEMORANDUM IN SUPPORT OF LEGISLATION submitted in accordance with Assembly Rule III, Sec 1(f)
SPONSOR: Epstein
An act to establish the people with disabilities access to programs
To streamline the process for people with disabilities in New York to
obtain services
Section 1 establishes a People With Disabilities Access to Programs
Commission that is directed to make recommendations for new laws to
streamline the process for people with disabilities to access programs
and services
Section 2 provides the effective date
People with disabilities may be eligible for a variety of programs and
services to help them meet their day to day needs and improve their
quality of life. Too often, the processes by which people with disabili-
ties access these vital programs and services are complex and duplica-
tive. Agencies do not always share information between them, which can
lead to New Yorkers seeking services repeating the difficult process to
This legislation would convene experts and stakeholders in the form of a
commission and charge them with making recommendations to the legisla-
ture as to what laws and policy should be changed to facilitate access
to programs and services for the approximately 3 million New Yorkers
that have a disability.
New bill
To be determined
January 12, 2022
-- Multi-Sponsored by -- M. of A. BRABENEC, COOK -- read once and
referred to the Committee on People with Disabilities -- committee
discharged, bill amended, ordered reprinted as amended and recommitted
to said committee
AN ACT to establish the people with disabilities access to programs
The People of the State of New York, represented in Senate and Assem-bly, do enact as follows:
1 Section 1. 1. (a) There is hereby established a people with disabili-
2 ties access to programs commission to examine, evaluate and make recom-
3 mendations for new laws with respect to how the state should streamline
4 eligibility requirements and processes for its programs and services to
5 assist people with disabilities including but not limited to programs
6 overseen by the office for people with developmental disabilities,
7 office of mental health, department of health, ACCES-VR, and the office
8 of children and family services. The commission's report shall be due
9 by December 1, 2023.
10 (b) The commission shall be comprised of eleven members, five of which
11 shall be appointed by the governor, two of which shall be appointed by
12 the temporary president of the senate, two of which shall be appointed
13 by the speaker of the assembly, one of which shall be appointed by the
14 minority leader of the senate, and one of which shall be appointed by
15 the minority leader of the assembly. The commission shall not be fully
16 constituted without the appointment of the eleventh member. There shall
17 be no chairperson appointed, and the commission shall be governed by a
18 majority vote, and at all times, the commission shall act with a quorum.
19 2. (a) The commission shall only meet within the state and shall hold
20 at least one hearing at which the public will be afforded an opportunity
21 to provide comments. The commission may hold additional public hearings
22 as it deems necessary. Such additional hearings, if any, may allow for
23 an opportunity to provide public comments.
24 (b) The members of the commission shall receive no compensation for
25 their services but shall be allowed their actual and necessary expenses
EXPLANATION--Matter in italics (underscored) is new; matter in brackets
[] is old law to be omitted.
A. 8816--A 2
1 incurred in the performance of their duties hereunder. Nothing contained
2 herein shall prohibit a member of the commission from receiving his or
3 her salary earned by reason of their state employee position.
4 (c) No member of the commission shall be disqualified from holding any
5 other public office or public employment, nor shall he or she forfeit
6 any such public office or public employment by reason of his or her
7 appointment pursuant to this section, notwithstanding the provisions of
8 any general, special or local law, regulation, ordinance or city char-
9 ter.
10 (d) To the maximum extent feasible and as authorized by law, the
11 commission shall be entitled to request and receive and shall utilize
12 and be provided with such facilities, resources and data of any court,
13 department, division, board, bureau, commission, agency or public
14 authority of the state or any political subdivision thereof as it may
15 reasonably request to properly carry out its powers and duties pursuant
16 to this act. Provided however, any information obtained by the commis-
17 sion shall be kept confidential and shall only be utilized for the
18 purpose of completing their responsibilities as a member of the commis-
19 sion.
20 (e) The commission may request, and shall receive, reasonable assist-
21 ance from state agency personnel as is necessary for the performance of
22 its function.
23 3. The commission shall make a report to the governor and the legisla-
24 ture of its findings, conclusions, determinations and recommendations
25 and shall submit such report by December 1, 2023.
26 § 2. This act shall take effect immediately. The commission itself, as
27 created by section one of this act, shall dissolve after the report
28 required by section one of this act has been submitted.