Authorizes hunting big game by rifle in the county of Niagara except within the city of Niagara Falls, the city of Lockport and the city of North Tonawanda.
NEW YORK STATE ASSEMBLY MEMORANDUM IN SUPPORT OF LEGISLATION submitted in accordance with Assembly Rule III, Sec 1(f)
An act to amend the environmental conservation law, in relation to
authorizing hunting big game by rifle in the county of Niagara; and
providing for the repeal of such provisions upon expiration thereof
The purpose of this bill is to allow big game hunting by rifle in
Niagara County
Section 1 of this bill would amend Paragraph a of subdivision 2 of
section 11-0907 of the Environmental Conservation Law as added by
section 1 of the chapter 243 of the laws of 2017 to allow rifle hunting
of big game in Niagara County from the first Saturday after November 15
through the first Sunday after December 7.
Section 2 of this bill would amend Paragraph a of subdivision 2 of
section 11-0907 of the Environmental Conservation Law, as added by
section 3 of chapter 243 of the laws of 2017 to allow rifle hunting of
big game in Niagara County from the first Saturday after November 15
through the first Sunday after December 7.
Section 3 of this bill provides that the effective date shall be imme-
Big game hunting, which is a sport that is enjoyed by many throughout
the state, includes the hunting of deer and bear. Currently, Niagara is
not included in the list of counties that are allowed to use rifles for
big game hunting. Also, hunting is a critical conservation tool for the
deer and bear population.
This legislation, which is at the request of the Niagara County Legisla-
ture, would allow for the hunting of big game for the period between
November 15th and December 7th using a rifle. Currently many other Coun-
ties throughout the state have this allowance under law and Niagara
County wishes to be in the same playing field for theidocal sportsmen.
New bill.
This act shall take effect immediately, provided that the amendments to
paragraph a of subdivision 2 of section 11-0907 of the environmental
conservation law made by section one of this act shall be subject to the
expiration and reversion of such paragraph pursuant to section 13 of
chapter 600 of the laws of 1993, as amended, when upon such date the
provisions of section two of this act shall take effect.