Press Releases

Rural Ambulance Service Can Play a Role in COVID-19 Vaccine Distribution

While New York continues to ramp up its vaccine distribution, it’s critical that we ensure rural New Yorkers are not left behind. As the elected representative of many rural communities, I know that transportation can pose a significant barrier to many...

Assemblyman Santabarbara Calls on the State to Reopen Adult Day Health Care Programs

Assemblyman Angelo Santabarbara announced that’s he’s fighting to allow adult day health care programs to reopen safely. Currently, these programs are the only health care facilities in New York State that have remained closed during the COVID-19...

Assemblyman Santabarbara to Join Youth Ambassador Emma Detlefsen to “Light Schenectady Up Teal” for World Lymphedema Day

Assemblyman Santabarbara and 12-year-old Youth Ambassador Emma Detlefsen lit up Schenectady “Teal” for World Lymphedema Day tonight!
Assemblyman Angelo Santabarbara has joined with 12-year-old Youth Ambassador Emma Detlefsen to “Light Schenectady Up Teal” for World Lymphedema Day today. Assemblyman Santabarbara and Emma will tour Schenectady to view the lights together this evening. Who: Assemblyman...

Assemblyman Santabarbara Passes Bill to Bolster Health Care System Reporting

Assemblyman Angelo Santabarbara announced today the passage of legislation he co-sponsored in the Assembly to mandate the release of information collected through the state's Health Reporting Data System (HERDS).  “During this pandemic, we saw how...

Assemblyman Santabarbara Letter to DOH: Rural Ambulance Service Can Play a Role in COVID-19 Vaccine Distribution

Assemblyman Angelo Santabarbara announced that he has written to the state Department of Health (DOH) urging the department to develop guidelines that would allow rural ambulance services to administer the COVID-19 vaccine. “While New York ramps up...

Assemblyman Santabarbara to Host Blood Drive

Assemblyman Angelo Santabarbara announced that he is hosting a Blood Drive with the American Red Cross. Event staff and participants must follow safety guidelines including temperature checks, social distancing, and must wear face masks. The Red Cross...

Santabarbara Statement on 2nd Sexual Harassment Allegation about Governor

“These new allegations of sexual harassment made against the Governor today by a 2nd former aide are just as disturbing and concerning; reinforcing my call for an immediate independent investigation. Whether it’s a member of the legislature or the...

Assemblyman Santabarbara: New York Must Do More to Ensure Vaccine Equity in Rural Communities

“For the past year, COVID-19 has ravaged our state and presented unprecedented challenges for families and businesses. Fortunately, we’re making great strides in mitigating the damage and working to get New Yorkers vaccinated as safely and efficiently...

Assemblyman Santabarbara Sponsors Legislation to Provide Property Tax Extension to Small Landlords

Assemblyman Angelo Santabarbara announced that he is sponsoring legislation in the Assembly to aid landlords with fewer than five properties who’ve faced financial hardships due to the COVID-19 pandemic. “Sometimes we forget that many of the people...

Santabarbara Statement of Federal COVID Relief Package

“Our upstate families and local governments have suffered long enough through the financial constraints of this pandemic. We need these federal dollars so we can continue to provide essential services and kick start the rebuilding process. Over the...

Assemblyman Santabarbara Limousine Legislation Letter to US Senator Schumer

Santabarbara Statement of Sexual Harassment Allegations Against Governor Cuomo

“I am deeply disturbed by the allegations made by a former aide to the Governor, accusing him of sexual harassment. These are serious allegations. I’m calling for an immediate investigation into the Governor’s workplace behavior. Sexual harassment...

Assemblyman Santabarbara Announces $41,000 Awarded to Inverness Farms in Canajoharie to Address Impacts of Climate Change

The award comes from the Climate Resilient Farming Grant Program, an initiative funded in the state budget to help farms reduce their operational impact on the environment and address the impacts of extreme weather events resulting from climate change....

Statement on Announcement to Resume Nursing Home Visitation

The recent Attorney General report showed how this crisis was already mishandled and a death toll linked to nursing homes was significantly higher than what was reported. However, I’m encouraged by today’s announcement that nursing home visitations...

Assemblyman Santabarbara Responds to FBI, U.S. Attorney Investigation into Nursing Home Deaths

This investigation is long overdue. Knowing where, how and how many died was critical to protecting others in nursing homes. That’s why this Legislature held hearings, sent letters and made requests for this critical information, and when we tried to...

Assemblyman Santabarbara to Host Blood Drive

Assemblyman Angelo Santabarbara announced that he is hosting a Blood Drive with the American Red Cross. Event staff and participants must follow safety guidelines including temperature checks, social distancing, and must wear face masks. The Red Cross...

Assemblyman Santabarbara Co-Sponsors Bill to Bolster Health Care Data Reporting in NY State

“During this pandemic, we saw how a breakdown in the state’s Health Emergency Reporting Data System created another element of difficulty in ensuring a proper government response. I’m working to pass legislation that mandates the timely release...

Santabarbara, Woerner Call for a Full Repeal of the Governor’s Emergency Powers

The stunning admission coming from a high-ranking executive staffer that fear of the federal government’s response led to the administration’s decision to cover up critical information about New York’s COVID deaths in New York nursing homes illustrates...

Statements on Admission by Governor’s Top Aide

As I’ve said for months, the governor’s nursing home COVID-19 response has been a disaster. First a damning AG report showed the scope of nursing home deaths was much greater than initially reported by the state Department of Health. Now a stunning...

Assemblyman Santabarbara to host Blood Drive

Assemblyman Angelo Santabarbara announced that he is hosting a Blood Drive with the American Red Cross. Event staff and participants must follow safety guidelines including temperature checks, social distancing, and must wear face masks. The Red Cross...