Miller Calls On Assembly To Pass Scholarship For Gold Star Families
Assemblyman Brian Miller (R,I,C,Ref-New Hartford) called on the Assembly to reconsider its decision to block legislation he sponsors to provide college scholarships to the children of Gold Star families (A.2991). These children have lost relatives through military service to our nation. The bill was rejected earlier this week by the Assembly Majority who called the measure “an entitlement.” This comes after they provided $27 million to fund free tuition for the children of illegal immigrants earlier this year.
“We will never be able to do enough to thank the brave men and women of our armed forces, and military families, for their service,” said Miller. “At the very least, this state should help ensure that children who have lost a parent due to military service have every opportunity to pursue their education. It is a travesty that the Assembly Majority has denied this measure, particularly after so much taxpayer money has been used to give free college educations to prisoners and the children of illegal immigrants.”
Miller was in disbelief upon hearing that the bill was blocked by the Chairwoman of the Assembly Higher Education Committee, Deborah Glick, because she felt the proposal would be “an entitlement.” During the committee meeting the Assembly Majority and Minority alike called on her to advance the bill, but their calls were ignored. This news has sparked intense public outrage across the state, prompting the governor to come out in support of the bill and saying if passed he would sign it into law this year.