Maher on Governor Hochul’s Address: Current and Past Policies Have Only Made Our State Worse
A legislative statement from Assemblyman Brian Maher (R,C-Walden) following the governor's State of the State Address.
“Over the past several years, we have seen New York continue down the path of being less affordable, less safe and out of touch with what matters most. Today, Gov. Hochul discussed some of her policy initiatives but fell short of recognizing the fact that current and past policies have only made the condition of our state worse. I can agree with some of the policies our governor has mentioned including universal school meals, expanding child tax credits and providing more resources for first-time home buyers. However, her proposals overall continue to miss the mark on the comprehensive change we need in New York state. We need changes to our energy policies; bail reform and discovery law and we must send a powerful message that we support the rule of law as well as our law enforcement officials. None of this can be done without bipartisan support. One-party rule has plagued our local communities and I will continue to reach across the aisle working with both Majority and Minority lawmakers throughout this legislative session. Working together, we can take on the challenges we face today, such as housing, mental health, addiction, childcare, education, fixing our state roads and infrastructure, human trafficking and so much more. Our elected leaders working together is what all New Yorkers want and deserve.”