
Keeping You Informed

Shed the Meds

Free Car Seat Safety Check

Heros' Night Out

Women of Distinction for 2013

Meet Ed Ra. Our Assemblyman.

New Location, Same Great Service!

Emergency Contact Information for Nassau County from Assemblyman Ed Ra

Honor Those Who Have Lost The Battle, Encourage Others To Get A Mammogram

October is National Breast Cancer Awareness Month and we pause to honor the lives lost each year to this disease and continue to support early detection programs and services. Mammograms have been a proven, time-tested tool physicians can use to help...

Our Kids Deserve the Best

Leading the Fight to Curb Prescription Drug Abuse

Protecting Jobs When Times Are Tough

Ed Ra delivered real savings for Long Island Families.

Progress Made During My First Two Sessions As An Assemblyman

Many have championed the past two year’s legislative session as proof that Albany is getting back on track. Governor Cuomo has even gone as far as to say, “I believe the history books will show this legislative session was among the most productive...

Improving Life on Long Island

Let's Connect

Government money doesn’t grow on trees. It comes from middle-class families.

New York State Assembly’s Summer Reading Challenge

What We Deserve: Fiscal Responsibility In This Year’s State Budget

Long Islanders deserve a government that’s responsive to their needs. That’s why I’m proud that, for the first time in nearly three decades, the Legislature has delivered an early budget that puts the focus back on the needs of the people and not...

The opportunity to improve the business climate in New York is here

Don’t Let Your Child Become a Victim of Drug Addiction