Ra Partners With Girl Scouts And Rock Out Cures Inc. For Hurricane Harvey Disaster Relief Drive
September 20, 2017

Assemblyman Ed Ra (R-Franklin Square) hosted a disaster relief drive for Hurricane Harvey with Girl Scout Troop 1888 and Rock Out Cures Inc.
Assemblyman Ed Ra (R-Franklin Square) is proud to announce the success of the disaster relief drive for Hurricane Harvey he hosted with Girl Scout Troop 1888 and Rock Out Cures Inc which collected over 35 boxes of personal hygiene products, baby items and cleaning supplies for victims of Hurricane Harvey, which included family members of one of the Girls Scouts. “My heart goes out to the victims of Hurricane Harvey and I am sure so many of my fellow Long Islanders can relate to what they must be feeling after Hurricane Sandy five years ago,” said Ra. “When events such as Hurricane Harvey cause such devastating destruction, it is important for us to reach out to help those in need. When Hurricane Sandy hit Long Island in 2012, we received so much support from across the country that it is important to give back when others are put in similar situations.” Collection boxes were placed at different locations in Franklin Square, including: Red Mango, the Franklin Square Public Library, King Kullen and The Plattduetsche Park Restaurant. Troop 1888 was on-site to collect at Trotters Bar & Grill on September 9 as well. “We are very proud of the members of Girl Scout Troop 1888. Their efforts to bring relief to the victims of Hurricane Harvey are outstanding,” said Donna Rivera-Downey, chief marketing and communications officer of the Nassau County Girl Scouts. “These G.I.R.L.s (Go-getters, Innovators, Risk-takers and Leaders) are living up to the Girl Scout Promise they made “to help people at all times.” “Rock Out Cures is happy to help Girl Scout Troop 1888 and Assemblyman Ed Ra with providing donations to the communities affected by Hurricane Harvey. We are so proud to be a part of this community that always answers the call for help,” said Bryan Mayer, president and founder of Rock Out Cures Inc.