Press Releases

McGowan Reacts to Brush Fires in Hudson Valley

“This morning I participated in a discussion with representatives from CSX and Rockland County, state and local officials concerning the alarming brush fires that occurred this past weekend along the CSX railway track line in Clarkstown, Haverstraw...

McGowan: New York Falls Short on Troubled Teens

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Assemblyman John McGowan (R,C-Rockland) attended a press conference today alongside his colleagues in the Assembly Minority as well as many district attorneys from across the state to advocate for their public safety bill, ‘Raise the Age,’ which the...

McGowan: Hochul’s Housing Plan Will Destroy Suburbs

Today, Assemblyman John McGowan (R,C-Rockland) supported Assemblyman Ed Ra (R-Franklin Square) at a press conference at the Capitol alongside Town of Hempstead Supervisor Don Clavin, Eric Swenson from the Hempstead Harbor Protection Committee and members...

McGowan on One-House Budget

“The Assembly Majority One-House Budget Proposal is an offense to New York taxpayers. Their priorities are not aligned with the needs of New Yorkers. They once again failed to address our unified concerns of safety and community well-being and found...

McGowan Joins Chips Rally in Albany

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Assemblyman John McGowan (R,C-Rockland) attended a press conference alongside his colleagues in the Assembly and Senate Minorities, county and town highway superintendents and members of the New York State County Highway Superintendents Association (NYSCHSA)...

Assemblyman McGowan Sponsors Bill to Rename The Mario M. Cuomo Bridge The Tappan Zee Bridge

Assemblyman John McGowan (R,C-Rockland) is proud to announce he has introduced a bill that would change the Mario M. Cuomo Bridge back to its rightful name, the Tappan Zee Bridge.“The Dutch settlers who came to the Hudson Valley in the 17th Century...

McGowan Joins Efforts to Stop Gov. Hochul’s MTA Payroll Tax Increase & Housing Plan

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Assemblyman John McGowan (R,C- Rockland) attended a press conference today alongside Congressman Mike Lawler, Assemblyman Matt Slater (R,C-Yorktown) and local elected officials in opposition to Gov. Hochul’s proposal to increase the MTA payroll taxes...

McGowan: Albany Per Usual

“The facts are directly in front of Gov. Hochul–crime has substantially increased, out-migration is at an all-time-high and our hard-working families are struggling to put food on their tables–yet instead of real initiatives to create change, we...

McGowan: Greater Judicial Discretion is Needed to Increase Public Safety

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Assemblyman John McGowan (R,C-Rockland) attended a press conference today alongside Assembly Minority Leader Will Barclay (R,C-Pulaski), Sen. Tom O’Mara (R,C-Big Flats), and colleagues from both conferences to discuss the need for greater judicial discretion...

McGowan Reacts to Hateful Messages Left on Rockland Pride Center

“There is no place for discrimination, hateful messages or defacing a building or property, especially one like the Rockland Pride Center, which serves as a welcoming venue for all. This is not who we are as a community. I stand by the Rockland Pride...

McGowan: Albany Continues its Downward Spiral

“Today, Gov. Hochul gloated over what she and Albany Majority has accomplished since she took office, ignoring any attempts to reach out to both sides of the aisle so all New Yorkers’ voices can be heard and needs can be met. Hard working, middle-class...

Assemblyman John McGowan Sworn into Legislature

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​Today, Assemblyman John McGowan (R,C-Pearl River) was sworn in as a representative of the 97th Assembly District in Albany at the state Capitol by Hon. James E. Walsh. His district is comprised of parts of Rockland County including the towns of Rampo...