Downstate Liberals Value Illegal Aliens Over Us
Assemblyman Karl Brabenec (R,C,I-Deerpark) issues statement following the Assembly’s passage of the DREAM Act
“The past couple of months have presented a stark visualization of where the priorities of Assembly leadership lie. How is it that when 97 percent of New Yorkers think ethics reform should be passed before the end of session and heroin overdoses are at an all-time high, house leadership prioritizes voting on the anniversary of Cheerios and giving taxpayer-funded freebies to people here illegally?
“Our conference has brought several solutions to the table to make college more affordable for our young people, and they were either not considered or blocked by downstate Majority. The tax dollars of hard-working, middle-class families should not subsidize the education of illegal aliens. This bill epitomizes the efforts of Assembly leadership to use public money for their own re-elections and that is unconscionable.